Would it be possible to expand the model of Mondragon- that
system of co-operatives discussed in Part
I? MCC itself officially claims that it would be “pretentious”
to advise the rest of the world on how to organize themselves. Since
we are faced with the problem of surviving in a world without fossil
fuels, we need to be pretentious.
After capitalism
Let us first assume
that the main economic unit would be an urban region, that is, each
region that had a central city or cities surrounded by suburbs,
towns, and rural areas; the New York City urban region would be an
Each urban region’s economy
could be composed of a set of worker coop banks, and each bank could
have its own constellation of firms as members, thereby preserving a
competitive structure to the local economy. In a transition period,
all firms could choose which bank/worker coop complex to join. A
central urban bank, which would have the role of regulating the
worker coop complexes, would help the firms to make the
transformation to a coop structure and train their employees in how
to participate in such a culture (perhaps this central bank could be
elected or appointed by elected officials of the urban region). The
coop banks could accept deposits from their members, and should not
invest money outside of the urban region, thereby preventing the
emergence of a financial system that exports finance capital, as we
have today.[2]
The “scaling-up” problems of Mondragon point to other possible
considerations when designing an efficient economy. First, it has
been found that a cooperative of more than about 500 people leads to
a certain breakdown in community; this is about the size of factory
or office building. If major corporations, or even multinational
corporations were restructured on the Mondragon model (and in fact,
Mondragon is now multinational), then each factory or office would
essentially have to become its own co-op, with the Governing Council
coordinating the various co-ops.
On the other hand, should Mondragon or other worker co-op
networks really be multinational, or even stretch across urban
regions? Mondragon has been heavily criticized for expanding
internationally in what is basically a typical corporate way.
Second, how hard would it be to train non-Basque peoples to
thrive in a democratic economy? Does it really take that large of a
cultural shift? The Basque people may have been living together for
tens of thousands of years; they may be able to reasonably claim to
have the greatest communal solidarity of any people. Perhaps
extensive training in participative organizations is a critical
Democracy means government doesn’t need to be on our backs
Third, it is quite possible that an economy composed of myriad
Mondragon-type complexes would actually require less government
regulation of the economy[3] than is currently needed,
leading to lower cost for government. Hierarchical, top-down,
absentee shareholder-owned firms have a stock explanation for their
behavior, no matter how anti-social: “We have to maximize the
profits of the stockholders”. In practice, these firms actually
behave according to the dictate: “We must maximize the power of our
It is one of the great mysteries of current liberal thinking in
the United States that the selfish nature of corporate behavior
should not elicit the following response:
“Fine. Your job is to maximize profits/power for your
corporation. Therefore, the government must keep the needs of
the society as a whole in mind, and must regulate your behavior
At this point, the good conservative economist will pop up and
proclaim that the interaction of competitive firms in a free market
leads to the best of all possible worlds, but the market’s headlong
rush into deindustrialization, economic collapse, global warming,
oil depletion, and so on should make it clear that the market is
anything but perfect.

A Mondragon-type complex, being controlled by its employees, will
have a tendency to minimize unsafe working conditions, output of
pollution, and outsourcing. Being composed of members of the
community, a democratic firm will have more than maximization of
profits/power as goals of their activity. This would be another
reason to keep each complex local, contrary to what the Mondragon
system is actually currently doing.
The Bank of Ecoland
Fourth, an entire economy made up of worker co-op complexes would
mean that there would be no need for a stock exchange, since shares
in the co-ops cannot be traded. Much of the finance sector would not
be needed; there would be no more huge mergers and acquisitions
fees, nor fees for initial public offerings, saving billions for the
economy for productive work.
a democratic economy would help to solve the massive problems
confronting the U.S. and the world. For instance, in order to make
mass transit based on rail practical, much of the physical layout of
the major metropolitan areas will need to be reconfigured, and in
particular, housing will need to become more dense than your typical
suburban sprawl, and built closer to transportation stops. In the
Mondragon system, the Bank provides financing for housing
construction, and this function could be well-served by a
continent-wide network of co-op complexes. In addition, the co-op
banks could provide financing to move food production close to the
city, and even within the city.
In the
normal functioning of an industrial economy, the surplus generated
from the manufacturing sector – essentially, the profits – are
either used by the firms to expand, or are deposited in large banks,
who then do whatever it takes to maximize their own profits,
whatever the effect on the national economy. If the economy is
organized as sets of co-op complexes, then the banks in the middle
of these complexes would receive these surpluses, as well as the
deposits of their consumers, and the finance capital would be
available to improve the asset base of the urban region – asset base
being used in a broad sense to include infrastructure, housing, and
even in the case of Mondragon, education.
The first two ways to eliminate the waste of human resources is
to cutback unnecessary sectors such as the military and to make
firms democratic. The third move toward an efficient economy would
be to construct a democratic financial system, anchoring the
democratic economy.
As Seymour Melman observed, in the last
words of his last book at the end of his long and distinguished
career: “The very readiness to consider alternatives to alienating
hierarchical rule in every industry and calling may well be
triggered by a question about the top managers and their staffs,
openly stated:
What do we need them for?”[4]
You can contact Jon Rynn directly on his jonrynn.blogspot.com .
You can also find old blog entries and longer articles at
economicreconstruction.com. Please feel free to reach him at
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[1] These would be embedded
in a continental economy, see Extreme
Makeover, Global Edition, Episode One.
[2] As far as I can tell,
the Mondragon Bank does not lend money or invest money outside the
MCC. In his article “Extending disarmament through economic
democracy”, published in the journal Peace Review in
2000, Jonathan M. Feldman considers how workplace democracy could
help cut down the size of that other major source of waste, the
[3] I would like to thank
Brian D’Agostino for pointing this out to me
[4] "After
Capitalism", p.447.
Jon Rynn uses his blog at http://www.globalmakeover.com/
to comment on articles concerning global ecological and economic
problems and solutions. Please feel free to email him with
your comments at
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